YRFM can take on large projects in difficult locations that other companies simply can’t handle. Having the Bandit 990HD Track Chipper within the team increases productivity and streamlines the process in:
Creating modified fuel zones in places trucks or four-wheel drives with towable chippers can’t reach.
Efficiently create modified fuel zones for fire prevention.
Access difficult inclines and declines.
Minimal environmental impact.
Reducing the need for traffic Management.
These versatile units are being used in a wide variety of applications, including: lot/land clearing, right-of-way projects, fire prevention clearings, chipping infested pine beetle trees, and other tree removal applications. These units are highly efficient in that they eliminate the need to forward or skid material to the unit; the chipper can be taken to the trees. Operating costs using Bandit track chippers are drastically reduced, which inturn increases production and reduces project costs.
The Bandit 990HD Track Chipper is a self-propelled hand-fed chipper that saves time by being able to quickly reach trees and brush piles without the use of a towing vehicle. They feature dependable Caterpillar rubber-tracked undercarriages for the ultimate in maneuverability. Operators can control the chipper by remote control, to control all chipper and discharge function.
This is the most impressive track chipper in Australia!